nLab concurrency theory

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Concurrency theory

Concurrency theory


Concurrency (or maybe rather parallelism (Harper)) is a joint property of several (maybe interacting) processes proceeding simultaneously. Here the word “simultaneously” indicates that the evolution of the participating processes is indexed along an irreversible directed object.



The processes can either be the nil process 00, parallel execution PQP \mid Q, sending on channel cc and then continuing c¯x.P\overline{c}\langle x \rangle.P, receiving on channel cc and then continuing c(x).Pc(x).P, replicating a process !P!P or introduction of a new name (νx)P(\nu x)P.

Rho Calculus


Last revised on December 13, 2023 at 09:52:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.